Facts about Fascial Stretch
"Your fascia reacts to all stress-physical, mental and emotional- by tightening & stiffening. Since fascia covers everything from all of your organs to the circulatory system to the brain & nervous system to the musculoskeletal system and more, your whole body is at risk to react to the stress by tightening and stiffening.When your fascia is left unattended to, aging of the body, mind & spirit accelerates, function decreases & quality of life deteriorates." -Ann and Chris Frederick, Creators of FST™

Effects of untreated Fascia
• Decreased joint space can lead to degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis and more.
• Increased muscle tone can lead to trigger points, strain, tendonitis, tears & more.
• Increased nervous system tone can lead to headaches, trigger points, muscle tightness & more.
• Increased scar tissue formation.
• Decreased blood flow, decreased energy, increased fatigue & more.

Benefits of FST™
• Improved posture & functional ability to do what you couldn't do before.
• No pain allows you to finally enjoy a life of quality.
• Restoration of normal joint space is anti-aging at its best-youthful movement without pain!
• Will make all the difference is sports performance.
• Reduces injures so you can get on with your goals in fitness, recreation & sports.
Facts about Fascia
• Fascia is the most prevalent tissue in the body yet it is the least understood by your doctor, therapist and trainer.
• The health and function of all joints & muscles are a direct result of the condition of your fascia.
• Healthy circulation in your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain and spinal cord is largely dependent on optimal flexibility of your fascia.
• There is NO medication that can improve your fascia.
• There is NO supplement that can optimize your fascia.
• Exercise alone does not optimally balance, align and improve your fascia.

Features of Fascial Stretch Therapy™ (FST™)
• Manipulates, lengthens, re-aligns and reorganizes your fascia.
• Pain-free
• Increases joint space.
• Eliminates trigger points.
• Improves muscle activation and relaxation.
• Improves flexibility on the first session & becomes cumulative with multiple sessions.
• I teach you how to maintain optimal fascial flexibility after I identify & eliminate the problems.